nurse tests boy's blood sugar at school

What is a School-Based Health Center?

School-based Health Centers are a great community resource and play an active role in providing health care for children.

Dr. Kurt Newman with a little girl

Getting the best care for your child

Pediatric surgeon Kurt Newman gives advice on getting the best care for your child.

Dr. Kurt Newman with a little girl

Do’s and don’ts for parents: Health care advice from a pediatric surgeon

There are things every parent can do and learn ahead of time to make sure they get the best care for their kids if and when the time comes.

Cardiologist Gerard Martin holding a baby

Finding the right cardiologist for your child

It can be frightening to learn that your child has a heart condition, but finding the right cardiologist doesn’t have to add to the stress.

Doctor holding a baby

Q&A: What’s the best way to choose a pediatrician for my child?

Finding a pediatrician can be a stressful process, and many parents wonder exactly what they should be looking for.