Child playing with Play-Doh

Keeping celiac kids safe from gluten at school

Parents of children with gluten sensitivity may not have to worry about their child being exposed to gluten at school when handling materials like Play-Doh and dry pasta.

gluten free sign and cupcakes

Celiac families may not need to keep cooking activities separated

Using the same cooking utensils for gluten-free and gluten-containing foods may not pose a high risk of gluten exposure for people with celiac disease.

kids eathing lunch at school

Lunch tips for kids with celiac disease

Wheat is tough to avoid in a school cafeteria and if parents aren’t able to pack a gluten-free lunch, what’s a kid to do?

pasta spelling out gluten free

Celiac disease in children

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about celiac disease in children.

Person in produce aisle with smartphone

A celiac smartphone app for gluten-free living

Recently, Children’s National released a free celiac smartphone app called the Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Resource Center.