little boy with rash

Winter rash: How to keep your child’s skin healthy during brittle winter months

Is it just a rash, or is it a more serious skin condition? Dr. Anna Kirkorian shares four ways you can spot signs of eczema on your child.

woman being mindful

Self-care for parents of children with autism: Avoiding burnout

Parenting a child with autism is an amazing journey, but it can come at a cost: burnout.

Girl holding plastic heart

8 ways to help children with CHD prepare for healthy futures

Dr. Anitha John shares the importance of lifelong care for CHD patients, including a list of helpful tips for parents of CHD patients transitioning to adulthood.

autism blocks

The ABCs of Autism: Some common terminology explained

While changing terminology in the field of Autism is both natural and well-intentioned, it can be incredibly overwhelming.

cartoon illustrating sickle cell disease

Blood and marrow transplant for sickle cell disease

Blood and marrow transplant involves replacing stem cells in the bone marrow with new stem cells that will make healthy red blood cells.