kids in front of a school bus

Returning to school after an acute illness

Attending or returning to school can be difficult for kids with acute illnesses. But there are strategies that parents and caregivers can use to help facilitate returning to school after an acute illness.

heart healthy foods

Two changes you can make today for a healthy heart

You don’t have to overhaul your diet or dinner plans today, but starting small is an easy way to support long-term cardiovascular health outcomes.

three kids walking on a log

Free-range parenting: Finding the balance between freedom and safety

The latest episode of “The Parent Pep Talk” podcast explores the concept of free-range parenting and giving our kids the freedom to take chances while protecting them from harm.

girl with headache

Seven things to know and do when your child has a migraine

If your child says their head hurts, don’t dismiss it as a simple headache.

two boys looking at a computer screen

How to manage your child’s screen time

Pediatrician Linda Fu provides information on the effects of children staring at screens for too long.