little girl in bed using an asthma inhaler

Asthma and COVID-19

It is unclear if asthma poses an increased risk for COVID-19. However, because COVID-19 is a respiratory virus it’s important to take precautions.

family sleeping in bed together

Because of the pandemic my child wants to co-sleep. What should I do?

Co-sleeping is not inherently wrong and does necessary cause problems as long as the child is healthy and over 18 months of age.

woman drinkig tea on sofa

Parents: Take care of yourselves!

Self-care – whether it’s baking, taking a bath, going for a bike ride or reading a book – can help you recharge your batteries and get back that much needed parenting energy.

boy asleep in car seat

Leaving a young child alone in a car during coronavirus pandemic

While leaving your child in the car alone might seem like an option during these challenging times, it is not worth the risk.

father and daughter laughing

The Power of Laughter: How to show your playful side at home

How often do you show your playful side at home? This episode of “The Parent Pep Talk” is about the power of laughter and joy.