Executive function basics videos for parents
These short, engaging, videos and animations are designed to give practical parenting advice that can be used immediately to support a neurodivergent child’s executive functions
These short, engaging, videos and animations are designed to give practical parenting advice that can be used immediately to support a neurodivergent child’s executive functions
As children and teens head back to school, they may be anxious for several reasons, from social stressors to a fear of bullying.
Follow these strategies to help ease back-to-school anxiety and homesickness that students may be experiencing due to the pandemic.
To get kids on a sleep schedule for the school year, it’s important to start moving bedtime earlier and make sure kids are waking up at a reasonable time.
Research has shown that the risk of getting COVID-19 from riding a school bus is low when basic precautionary measures — such as masking, only allowing two kids per seat and leaving the windows open — are taken.