doctor examining boy with face mask

Well visits are important, even during the pandemic

While it’s okay to skip vacations and playdates, medical well visits are not something that should be avoided during the pandemic.

little girl being picky eater

Feeding the “picky eater”

The following portion sizes and feeding guidelines may be helpful for parents of young children who are felt to be difficult or picky eaters.

family cooking dinner

Maintaining healthy habits during the COVID-19 pandemic

Making a few simple modifications in your children’s eating and exercise routines may actually lead to positive changes for your children and your family.

Two upset kids sitting outdoors

My toddler does not understand that her friends shouldn’t hit her. Help!

For young children, the best way to stop a behavior that you do not like is to provide positive attention and praise for the opposite of that behavior.

bread with caution tape

Celiac disease and its management in the time of COVID-19

During the time of COVID-19, having a child with celiac disease may be especially overwhelming. Here are some tips for a gluten-free lifestyle.