illustration of blender with foods

What you need to know about blenderized tube feeding

A blenderized tube feeding is defined as pureed or “blended” foods given directly through the feeding tube.

mom comforting daughter

Helping kids manage stress and anxiety

The activities below can help your child learn ways to manage their stress and anxiety and understand that it is okay to feel worried, frustrated or sad.

sad boy sitting down

Depression warning signs: A parent’s guide

As a parent, you can pay attention to mood changes in your child by looking for some of the depression warning signs below.

little boy getting flu shot

The flu shot and the fight against COVID-19

Getting a flu shot might not be at the top of your mind these days, but with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, flu shots are more important than ever.

mom and daughter having a tea party

My child wants me to pretend to be her boyfriend. Is this normal?

Pretend play can be a safe and developmentally appropriate way for children to explore ideas and learn from playmates.