Poison Ivy Plants

Treating poison ivy and poison oak rashes in kids

If your child has been exposed to poison ivy, wash the area and apply calamine lotion or a hydrocortisone cream.

mother applying sunscreen to daughter's face

Sun safety for kids

The key to keeping your child safe during the summer is to remember to use sunblock with a high SPF, apply frequently and use a generous amount.

little boy in swimming pool

What is dry drowning?

With a scary sounding name and unclear facts surrounding its cause, many parents have questions about dry drowning and what preventative steps they can take to protect their children.

baby with rash

Q&A: What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

Everything you need to know about hand, foot, and mouth disease, from symptoms to treatment.

pasta spelling out gluten free

Celiac disease in children

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about celiac disease in children.