mom helping girls with schoolwork

Tips for homeschooling during the coronavirus outbreak

How do we homeschool while working and maintaining our own sanity? Here are a few ways to ease the pain and help keep your kids engaged and learning.

empty classroom

Talking to kids about coronavirus-related school closings

When talking to kids about coronavirus-related school closings, be sure to explain why schools are closed and let them know it’s okay to feel sad and frustrated.

boy in front of board with question marks

COVID-19 FAQs for kids

We’ve asked clinical psychologists Laura Gray, PhD, and Shayna Coburn, PhD, to come up with the answers to some COVID-19 FAQs for kids.

woman washing her hands

What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

We’ve compiled everything you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), including tips for protecting your family.

Girl with the flu

Q&A: Is it safe to give my child Tamiflu?

There’s been a lot of news lately about the dangerous side effects of Tamiflu. Dr. Lee Beers answers a reader’s question about the drug’s safety.