girl snacking during online learning

Promoting healthy eating habits while learning at home

Here are some ways you can promote healthy eating and physical activity while your children are learning at home.

college students eating

Going to college with celiac disease

Although this may seem overwhelming, you want to make sure your child is prepared and able to follow a gluten-free diet while still enjoying campus living.

father watching daughter play in snow

Supporting your child with autism during the pandemic winter

Here are some ways to support your family’s emotional health by staying active, working on independence and advocating for (new) school supports.

girl remote learning

Remote learning and children with speech difficulties

To help children with speech difficulties participate in remote learning, be sure to reach out to teachers so they know about your child’s difficulty.

To return or not to return: Factors to consider in a return to in-person schooling

Factors to consider in a return to in-person schooling

Every decision about a return to in-person schooling should start at home, and there are a number of questions to consider.