Lunch box and school supplies

Brain foods for kids

What your kids eat can impact everything from their energy level to their mood and academic performance.

school children standing outside bus

Steps to take for a successful back-to-school transition

Kurt Newman, M.D., president and CEO of Children’s National Health System, shares tips on how to make returning to a school routine easier on your child.

School kid holding abc blocks

Back-to-school health tips

Follow these back-to-school health tips to help prepare for a successful new school year.

Little boy getting vaccine

Back-to-school vaccines: what parents need to know

As kids begin and return to school, here’s a guide to keep their vaccine record up-to-date.

boy unpacking car for college

How to prepare your teen for college success

The first year of college can be overwhelming for some, and without the right preparation from both kids and parents, college can be a stressful time.