doctor filling out medical form

A parent’s short guide to school health forms

School health forms provide critical information for the school to help your child reach optimal health and achieve their full academic potential.

Boy writing on paper during exam

What to do if you think your child has a learning disability

Finding out there is a label for what they are experiencing and getting the help they need can be life changing for kids with learning disabilities.

boy reading a book outside

Dyslexia: Discovering the gift of a learning disability

Cynthia Davis discusses how to tell if your child has dyslexia and how you can give your dyslexic child the emotional and education support they need.

back-to-school written on a chalkboard

5 back-to-school tips from a pediatrician to parents

Linda Fu, M.D., gives advice on helping your kids transition into the new school year.

Children looking out school bus window

Tips for a smooth back-to-school transition

For a smooth back-to-school transition, make sure you talk to your child about the transition, identify potential stressors and try a “dress rehearsal” to get them used to the routine.