sick baby

What you need to know about parechovirus

Human parechoviruses (PeVs) are common childhood viruses that spread through respiratory droplets and contact with bodily fluids or fecal matter.

COVID-19 vaccine vials and needle

Which COVID-19 vaccine is best for your young child?

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective, and the most important thing is getting your child vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.

mother taking child's temperature

Hepatitis in children

Hepatitis in children can be caused by many things. Most cases are caused by the hepatitis viruses A, B and C.

baby getting vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months and older: FAQs

Even if children have already had COVID-19, they should still receive the vaccine once they have recovered from the illness.

illustration of covid test

Can you get COVID-19 twice?

Just because you’ve already contracted and recovered from coronavirus, does not mean you’re immune to getting COVID-19 twice.