Mother watching little baby as he sleeps in bed

Q&A: How do you get rid of a cold in a 4 month old baby?

Dr. Ellen Hamburger answer’s a reader’s question on how to get rid of a cold in her baby.

Mother Applying Bug Spray to son

How to avoid tick bites and Lyme disease

At least half of the patients doctors see with Lyme disease are children.

Concerned mother checks her daughter's temperature

Q&A: Can a child will themselves to have a fever?

While generations of children probably wish they could will themselves to have a fever, it’s not possible.

baby sleeping on woman's shoulder

Q&A: Is 36.8 Celsius a fever for a one month old?

A fever is a temperature of 100.4° F, or 38° C, and higher.

baby with rash

Q&A: What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

Everything you need to know about hand, foot, and mouth disease, from symptoms to treatment.