baby grabbing surgical mask

My unvaccinated family wants to visit my newborn. What do I do?

As new parents, you get to decide if unvaccinated family members can visit your newborn and what precautions they should take.

colorful fruits and vegetables

Increasing fruits and vegetables in your child’s diet

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables is important. But how do you get a child to add more of these foods to their diet?

dads hanging toddlers upside down

Is it okay for a toddler to hang upside down?

A toddler hanging upside down is alright if it’s in a safe location and for a short time — no longer than a few minutes at most.

toddler feeding dog at table

Help! My toddler is feeding the dog dangerous items!

If your toddler is feeding the dog dangerous items, try to reframe the issue so that you are focusing on more appropriate, prosocial behaviors.

little girl clinging to her dad

Dealing with pandemic-induced separation anxiety in kids

Children and families are finally resuming some of their pre-pandemic activities, such as summer camp, vacations and in-person school. For some kids, this return will also trigger separation anxiety.