boy in hat vaping

E-cigarettes, vaping and teens: what you need to know

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, e-cigarette use has sharply risen and is now the most commonly used nicotine product among youth.

little girl getting a checkup

Preparing your child with autism for a medical visit

The Children’s National Autism Behavioral Consult team shares some tips for preparing your child with autism for a medical visit.

little boy yelling

Is it anxiety or acting out?

Psychologist Eleanor Mackey, PhD, explains how anxiety can make children retreat or act out – and how parents can help prevent these disruptive or out-of-control behaviors.

girl with stuffed rabbit looking out window

When your child’s friend has cancer

Young children, who may be struggling just to understand their friend’s illness, may not know how best to support their friend and will need your guidance.

Little boy having a tantrum

Dealing with meltdowns

Psychologist Eleanor Mackey provides advice on dealing with meltdowns.