woman being mindful

Self-care for parents of children with autism: Avoiding burnout

Parenting a child with autism is an amazing journey, but it can come at a cost: burnout.

autism blocks

The ABCs of Autism: Some common terminology explained

While changing terminology in the field of Autism is both natural and well-intentioned, it can be incredibly overwhelming.

Little boy giving thumbs up in school room

Reducing back-to-school anxiety in children with autism

Back-to-school anxiety can be overwhelming, especially for children with autism. Here’s how to make this school year a positive experience.

Father and son talking at home

Talking to your child about their autism diagnosis

It’s one of the most common questions parents of a newly diagnosed child have — Do I tell my child that they’re autistic?

kids with paint on their hands

Autism and genetic disorders

Many genetic diagnoses increase the likelihood that a child will be diagnosed with autism.