three happy girls

Well-being: An important first step to raising happy kids

Dr. Beth Cabrera explains how focusing on well-being is an important step to raising happy kids and offers some simple strategies to get you started.

boy standing in the snow

Tips for keeping your child safe in the snow

Here are five tips for keeping your child safe and happy this winter.

Doctor listening to girl's heart

How to determine the severity of heart murmurs

Heart murmurs are extra or unusual sounds made by blood circulating through heart valves, or through blood vessels near the heart.

nurse tests boy's blood sugar at school

What is a School-Based Health Center?

School-based Health Centers are a great community resource and play an active role in providing health care for children.

little girl hugging stepdad

Q&A: What could cause a 7-year-old girl to become overly affectionate?

Psychologist Eleanor Mackey answers a reader’s question about why her daughter has suddenly become overly affectionate with her soon-to-be stepdad.