back-to-school written on a chalkboard

5 back-to-school tips from a pediatrician to parents

Linda Fu, M.D., gives advice on helping your kids transition into the new school year.

Young girl helping father in the kitchen

Microwave safety for kids

For children, the most common microwave injury is burns. Fortunately, there are several ways to help keep your kids safe when using a microwave.

group of kids jogging

Is exercising from a young age good or bad for kids?

While children shouldn’t be running marathons or lifting their body weight the same way some adults do, strength training in moderation from a young age can be a good thing.

ADHD on wooden blocks

Treating children with ADHD

Pediatric neuropsychiatrist Jay Salpekar, MD, recommends a combination of therapy, education, behavior modification and medicine for treating children with ADHD.

Children looking out school bus window

Tips for a smooth back-to-school transition

For a smooth back-to-school transition, make sure you talk to your child about the transition, identify potential stressors and try a “dress rehearsal” to get them used to the routine.