Teal bucket with non-food treats outside

Food allergies at Halloween: Top tips for parents

Having allergies doesn’t mean having to skip Halloween fun. Allergist Dr. Hemant Sharma shares some tips for managing food allergies at Halloween.

boy being bullied at school

Bullying and adolescent suicide

Bullied teens are twice as likely to consider suicide and nearly two-and-a-half times as likely to actually attempt suicide.

Little girl in halloween costume eating lollipop

Managing a child’s diabetes around Halloween

For families managing diabetes around Halloween, try focusing on the traditions of the holiday rather than the candy.

teenage boy washing his face

How do I get my teen to bathe?

The first step in getting a teen to bathe is figuring out why they’re not interested in bathing.

kids crossing a race finish line

5 tips for preparing your child for a 5K run

While many don’t need much experience to participate, 5Ks still require some training – including for kids.