father putting bike helmet on son

Parent’s checklist for preventing injuries during coronavirus

This is a time when injuries for kids may be on the rise, which can put families at risk during trips to the emergency room and cause a strain on an already overburdened health-care system.

mom with baby using computer

Telehealth tips for parents

Telehealth allows your kids to see doctors from the comfort and safety of your own home. Follow these telehealth tips to prepare for your child’s visit.

boy washing hands

Be a handwashing hero

Help your kids learn how to be handwashing heroes by showing them this video.

Mother wearing a homemade protective mask and putting one to her daughter

Should children wear masks?

The short answer is yes, children 2 years and older should wear a cloth face covering when they’re in places outside their homes where social distancing is not possible.

illustration of family sleeping

COVID-19 and healthy sleep habits

As schools close and at-home learning begins in earnest for kids because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s important to maintain a consistent schedule that includes healthy sleep habits.