Turkey dinner

The truth about tryptophan and turkey

The sleepiness people feel after their Thanksgiving meal is more likely due to the heavy intake of food, especially carbohydrates.

little boy washing his hands

Why you should wash your hands

Regular handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness and infection.

girl helping out at soup kitchen

Giving back: how to raise kind and charitable kids

Expert Natalie Silverstein, MPH, talks about why it might be easier than you think to incorporate giving into your already busy life.

donuts and diabetes medicine

Debunking diabetes myths

November is American Diabetes Month, and according to the American Diabetes Association, 1.25 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes and 400,000 more will be diagnosed this year.

Fall Back Daylight Saving Time concept with white clock and autumn leaves

How to adjust your child’s sleep schedule for daylight saving time

Dr. Daniel Lewin shares five foolproof tips to help make the transition easier and safer for everyone in your family.