boy dressed as pirate holding a teal pumpkin

How to safely enjoy Halloween on a gluten-free diet

Even if your child is on a gluten-free diet, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween and not feel like you are missing out!

pumkins wearing masks

Celebrating another COVID-19 Halloween safely

Because COVID is still around this Halloween, be sure to stick to activities that allow you to stay outdoors and socially distance.

hand holding plastic bottle

What are phthalates and why are they bad?

Phthalates are chemicals that make plastic flexible. They are bad because they can be harmful to pregnant women and their children.

peeling green lead paint

Preventing lead exposure from the environment

Even low levels of lead in the blood have been shown to affect mood, behavior and the ability to concentrate.

child getting covid test

I think my child needs a COVID test — where should we go?

If your child is asymptomatic or has or very mild symptoms, we recommend getting a COVID test at a community-based site rather than a pediatricians’ office or a hospital.