cartoon of gut fighting viruses

How nutrition can build an army to protect us against COVID-19

Eating lots of colorful, fiber-rich veggies can help cultivate a healthy microbiome that will aid our bodies in the fight against COVID-19.

father checking son's temperature

COVID-19 vs. RSV vs. flu: How to tell the difference

COVID-19, the flu and respiratory viruses such as RSV have similar symptoms. But there are a few differences that can help you determine why your child is sick.

acupuncture book and needles

Got pain? Acupuncture may help

Did you know that acupuncture can be used to treat chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, headaches, musculoskeletal pains and joint pains?

colorful fruits and vegetables

Increasing fruits and vegetables in your child’s diet

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables is important. But how do you get a child to add more of these foods to their diet?

red coronavirus molecule

The COVID-19 delta variant and kids

While the number of COVID-19 infections in children is increasing, there is currently no definitive evidence that the delta variant is more dangerous for kids.