boy with a headache looking at a screen

Headaches and online learning

If your child is experiencing headaches from online learning, try printing out homework, taking frequent screen breaks, and reducing stress.

child sitting incorrectly and correctly

Online learning ergonomics: tips for keeping your child engaged and strain-free

Did you know that with a few simple changes you can make your child’s online learning space into a comfortable, ergonomically sound environment?

girl studying with laptop at home

How to protect your child’s eyes and ears during online learning

More time in front of screens, whether for school or for fun, can result in eye strain, headaches and even hearing loss.

empty daycare center

With lockdowns lifting, should I send my child back to daycare?

Take into account what your work and life demands are when considering whether or not you should send your child back to daycare.

empty classroom

Talking to kids about coronavirus-related school closings

When talking to kids about coronavirus-related school closings, be sure to explain why schools are closed and let them know it’s okay to feel sad and frustrated.