sad boy with backpack

Addressing school-related anxiety in children

As children and teens head back to school, they may be anxious for several reasons, from social stressors to a fear of bullying.

kids about to get on the school bus

Dealing with pandemic-induced back-to-school anxiety and homesickness

Follow these strategies to help ease back-to-school anxiety and homesickness that students may be experiencing due to the pandemic.

boy sleeping in bed

Getting your student’s sleep schedule back on track for the school year

To get kids on a sleep schedule for the school year, it’s important to start moving bedtime earlier and make sure kids are waking up at a reasonable time.

illustration of school children

Back-to-school vaccines

Back-to-school time is a great time to ensure all your child’s vaccines are up to date. In fact, many school systems require children to be vaccinated to attend school.

kids in masks getting on school bus

Can my child get COVID-19 from riding the school bus?

Research has shown that the risk of getting COVID-19 from riding a school bus is low when basic precautionary measures — such as masking, only allowing two kids per seat and leaving the windows open — are taken.