girl leaning against steering wheel in car

10 Tips to help relieve your child’s school-related stress

With all the pressure on testing, school performance and college admissions, it is a tough time to be in high school.

sad child in window

Dealing with separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is very treatable and helps your child learn coping skills at an early age.

Sad girl in striped shirt sitting on a curb.

Depression and anxiety in kids: signs and symptoms

Warning signs that your child may be suffering from mental health issues, and what you can do to help.

Boy sitting at table piled with junk food.

Children who eat too much

Children who eat too much love to eat and cannot turn off their hunger, even if they’ve already eaten a full meal.

Sad looking teenaged girl

What parents need to know about teen dating violence

While dating violence may often be associated with adults, it also happens in relationships among adolescents.