illustration of blender with foods

What you need to know about blenderized tube feeding

A blenderized tube feeding is defined as pureed or “blended” foods given directly through the feeding tube.

woman gives her baby a bottle

The ultimate baby reflux survival guide

More than half of all babies experience reflux. It usually begins at 2 weeks of life and peaks at 4 to 5 months of life.

baby being spoon fed

When is the right time to introduce solids to my baby?

It is recommended to start introducing solids between 4-6 months of age if your baby is developmentally ready.

Girl working at a computer and eating fast food

Staying healthy and active at home

Being at home doesn’t have to mean gaining weight. Follow these five tips and tricks for staying healthy and active at home.

infant eating rice

What is FPIES?

FPIES, or food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome, is a food allergy that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and is primarily present during infancy.