mother taking child's temperature

Hepatitis in children

Hepatitis in children can be caused by many things. Most cases are caused by the hepatitis viruses A, B and C.

girl using asthma inhaler

Asthma flare-ups: what you need to know

Asthma flare-ups occur when the airways tighten in reaction to triggers such as pollen, dust, smoke or exercise.

therapist holding pictures for patient

Finding the right therapy for your child with autism

It can be helpful to know what your child’s therapy options are — especially when they are between evaluations or waiting for an appointment.

paper cutouts of child profile

Early signs of autism

While there is no specific medical test that can diagnose autism, there are early signs to look for in children.

the words gluten free written in flour

Gluten-free diets and recipes

The Celiac Disease Program at Children’s National Hospital has created a series of videos with gluten-free recipes for foods your kids will devour.