pumkins wearing masks

Celebrating another COVID-19 Halloween safely

Because COVID is still around this Halloween, be sure to stick to activities that allow you to stay outdoors and socially distance.

little girl clinging to her dad

Dealing with pandemic-induced separation anxiety in kids

Children and families are finally resuming some of their pre-pandemic activities, such as summer camp, vacations and in-person school. For some kids, this return will also trigger separation anxiety.

group of boys sitting on a tree branch

Five tips from pediatricians to get ready for a summer of ‘normal’

Returning to our usual routines this summer isn’t as simple as putting on our swimsuits and heading out the door.

father and kids at airport

Summertime safety: traveling during the pandemic

Traveling with young kids can be hard enough on its own but traveling with younger passengers during a pandemic poses even more questions and risks for parents to think about.

Little girl lying on floor

Stranger danger: What do I do when my kid won’t hug grandma?

What happens when your kid does not want a hug? Here’s how to handle the awkwardness at your next family gathering.