Allergy food concept

Preventing, diagnosing and managing food allergies

History is key in the diagnosis of food allergy — What did they eat? What symptoms occurred? How soon?

Sad boy sitting near the window

COVID and suicidal thoughts in children and teens

Now more than ever it is important to know the suicide warning signs and to feel comfortable talking about suicide and safety with your child.

Crying toddler with older brother and mother

My toddler is often violent with his siblings

There are many simple behavioral strategies and techniques that can effectively curb violent toddler behaviors in a relatively short period of time.

Protective mask and thanksgiving pumpkins

Celebrating the holidays during the pandemic

Holidays are typically times for families to come together, but the coronavirus pandemic presents challenges to how to safely accomplish this.

To return or not to return: Factors to consider in a return to in-person schooling

Factors to consider in a return to in-person schooling

Every decision about a return to in-person schooling should start at home, and there are a number of questions to consider.