illustrations of types of physical therapy

Physical therapy: an underrated hero in the treatment of chronic pain!

If your child has chronic pain, physical therapy can help get your child moving again which can help improve sleep and mood.

Little girl lying on floor

Stranger danger: What do I do when my kid won’t hug grandma?

What happens when your kid does not want a hug? Here’s how to handle the awkwardness at your next family gathering.

mom breastfeeding baby

What you need to know about breastfeeding and the COVID vaccine

We asked our specialists at Children’s National to answer some questions about the COVID vaccine and breastfeeding.

girl snacking during online learning

Promoting healthy eating habits while learning at home

Here are some ways you can promote healthy eating and physical activity while your children are learning at home.

boys with masks in playground

New CDC mask guidelines: advice for parents of unvaccinated children

The new CDC guidelines still require unvaccinated children to wear masks. Here’s how to talk to them about it.