family sending daughter off to college

Mental health tips for college students

Many college students don’t think about what tools they need to support their mental health as they prepare to move to campus.

rendering of monkeypox virus

Everything you need to know about monkeypox

While children aren’t at high risk for contracting monkeypox, they are still susceptible to the virus, and are at increased risk for more severe outcomes if they become infected.

Autistic girl on a swing

Keeping summer safe for children with autism

Here are some resources and strategies families can use to help keep their children with autism safe during the summer.

sick baby

What you need to know about parechovirus

Human parechoviruses (PeVs) are common childhood viruses that spread through respiratory droplets and contact with bodily fluids or fecal matter.

marijuana plants

Marijuana and adolescents: old plant, new leaves

Because of the different ways children use screens, there is no set number of hours that qualifies as a screen addiction.