Little girl in bed with measles.

Five facts to know about measles

Although it was declared eliminated in the US, measles outbreaks still occur every year in the United States. Here are five facts to know about measles.

yellow vaccine card with syringes and vials

Understanding your child’s immunization record

Have you ever tried to read your child’s immunization schedule but gave up because you got totally confused? Here’s a quick guide that will help you!

different colored poop emojis

The ultimate guide to your child’s poop

Did you know that your child’s poop is a window into their health?

little girl feeding chickens

Bird flu and children: A parent’s guide to avian influenza safety

Bird flu can be transmitted from animals to humans, although it’s relatively rare.

people sitting around a table eating

Healthy holiday eating tips for the whole family

With a little planning and creativity, you can enjoy the season’s flavors while keeping your family’s nutrition on track.