father putting mask on daughter

What to say to children who are the only family members without COVID vaccines

What should you say to children who are the only family members without COVID vaccines and who may be worried about COVID?

Child autism symbol

Celebrating neurodiversity and autism acceptance

April is Autism Acceptance month, and we wanted to highlight a few organizations that celebrate neurodiversity and advocate for autistic rights every day.

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Is it inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome?

While they have some similar symptoms, IBS and IBD are conditions that require quite different treatments.

sad girl feeling alone

The pandemic and eating disorders

While eating disorders have been relatively common in teens for decades, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the conditions that sometimes lead to unhealthy eating.

Tourettes spelled out in paper squares

What is Tourette syndrome?

Individuals with Tourette syndrome experience both motor and vocal tics, although these may fluctuate over time.