mother breastfeeding baby

Breastfeeding and vitamin D deficiency

Breastfeeding babies are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because breastmilk alone does not provide infants with enough vitamin D.

kids in masks getting on school bus

Can my child get COVID-19 from riding the school bus?

Research has shown that the risk of getting COVID-19 from riding a school bus is low when basic precautionary measures — such as masking, only allowing two kids per seat and leaving the windows open — are taken.

masked kids waiting in line for school

Helping your student transition back to in-person learning

Families should start preparing their children for the transition to in-person learning as soon as they are able to.

little girl clinging to her dad

Dealing with pandemic-induced separation anxiety in kids

Children and families are finally resuming some of their pre-pandemic activities, such as summer camp, vacations and in-person school. For some kids, this return will also trigger separation anxiety.

boy screaming in pain

Did you know psychologists can help with chronic pain?

Pain is an experience that touches every aspect of life. A psychologist can help decrease the interruption chronic pain can have on life.