cartoon of the intestine

Is it inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome?

While they have some similar symptoms, IBS and IBD are conditions that require quite different treatments.

Tourettes spelled out in paper squares

What is Tourette syndrome?

Individuals with Tourette syndrome experience both motor and vocal tics, although these may fluctuate over time.

person being vaccinated

Answers to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and booster for children

Now that several COVID vaccines and boosters are available, you probably have some questions about when children should get them.

family hiking in the woods

What’s safe for vaccinated parents and unvaccinated kids?

When it comes to activities are safe for vaccinated parents to do with their unvaccinated kids, we advise families to continue to stick with the CDC recommendations.

vials of COVID vaccine

Answers to your questions about the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a little different from the COVID-19 vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna.