Mother checking on sick daughter laying in bed

Fevers in children

Wondering what to do about your child’s fever? In this video, My Pocket Pediatrician Dr. Lili Moran talks about fevers, how to treat them and when to seek medical care.

Pediatrician using otoscope on baby

Why do children need ear tubes?

Ear tubes are one of the most common procedures that a child may need to reduce ear infections and optimize their listening skills.

kid in bed with headache

How to treat your child’s headaches

Headaches can usually be treated at home with rest, quiet, plenty of fluids and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Tick insect warning sign

Diseases spread by insects

West Nile virus and Lyme disease are two diseases the can be spread by insects. Here’s how to avoid them.

little boy with mosquito netting hat

Here’s what every parent needs to know about mosquitoes

Pediatric dermatologist Anna Kirkorian, shares what parents need to be aware of this summer season.