baby lying down

FAQs about Nirsevimab — the new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine

This year, we are very excited to have a new medicine that will help infants and young children stay safer from RSV.

illustration of hospital care team members

Who are the members of your hospital care team?

Finding the right person to address your needs at a hospital can feel overwhelming. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

boy giving thumbs up after vaccine

Is it safe to get the flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?

As long as your child is eligible to get the flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine, then it is safe to administer them together.

little boy getting flu shot

Everything you need to know about flu shots

The best way to protect you and your family against influenza (flu) is by getting the flu shot every year.

child in hospital bed

How to manage a child’s pain post-surgery

Observe how your child recognizes pain prior to surgery to help reduce overmedication and promote a normal healing process.