teen girl with stomach ache

Combating diarrhea and upset stomach from antibiotics

Most often, just time and light foods are the best medicine for diarrhea and upset stomach caused by antibiotics.

Hypermobile person bending thumb

What is hypermobility?

Hypermobility or being “double jointed” refers to joints that move beyond the normal range of motion. It is very common in children.

girl reaching into medicine cabinet

Medication safety tips

Each year, half a million parents call Poison Control because their child got into a medication they shouldn’t have or took more of their medication than prescribed.

cartoon of doctors examining a stomach

What is a pediatric gastroenterologist and why would I need to bring my child to one?

Pediatric gastroenterologists treat children with gastrointestinal issues from the newborn period through the teen years, and in some cases, into early adulthood.

grandmother and grandchild walking through the forest

Grandma got her COVID vaccine, can we visit her?

If grandma got her COVID vaccine, you can visit her but be sure you everyone is free of any COVID-like symptoms before you go.