What food is good to feed an 11 month old baby?

An 11 month old needs all of the same food groups as older children and adults. This table gives an overview of daily servings needed and approximate servings sizes for a well-rounded diet.

Food Daily Servings Serving Size
Breast milk/infant formula 24-32 ounces/day ~6-8 ounces
Fruits* and vegetables 4 servings/day 3 tablespoons
Cereal, potatoes, rice, other soft starches** 2 servings/day ~2-3 tablespoons
Bread, crackers** 2-3 servings/day ½ slice bread, ~2 crackers
Eggs, ground/chopped meat, beans 2 servings/day ~2-3 tablespoons or 1-2 ounces per day

*Juice is not needed in children, but if provided should be limited to 3-4 ounces per day.
*Whole grains are recommended.


Jessica McGee Jessica McGee, MS, RD, CSP, LD, CNSC, was the Food and Nutrition Services Clinical Nutrition Manager at Children's National.
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