September 12th, 2017 / 1 Comment

Children who eat too much love to eat and cannot turn off their hunger, even if they’ve already eaten a full meal. There are possible sources of hunger: the hunger of the mouth, hunger of the stomach and the hunger of the heart.
These guidelines only work when both parents participate, even though that means possibly changing their own eating patterns too.
For even more tips on feeding children and all about Dr. Chatoor’s research on feeding problems, read her book, When Your Child Won’t Eat or Eats Too Much, online.
My nephew was never taught delayed gratification. He was also never taught to share. Now, as an adult, he is overweight and he has no self-control. He eats multiple pizzas, whole pans of brownies, and if there are trays of Christmas cookies for the family the night before, he will devour them all so that no one else will get any. What might have been “cute” and funny as a child is just plain greedy and selfish as an adult. My sister brags about how much he eats. Children need to be taught self-control, delayed gratification, and how to share.