September 16th, 2017 / 0 Comments

Every 13 minutes, an emergency department in the United States treats a child with a sports-related eye injury. Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in children and according to the National Institute of Health’s National Eye Institute (NEI), and sports-related injuries are the leading cause of these eye injuries.
Sports-related eye injuries account for more than 100,000 physician visits a year and about 90 percent of these injuries could be prevented with protective eyewear.
The highest number of eye injuries for children ages 14 and under occur in baseball. For adolescents and young adults, it’s basketball. Other sports with a high risk of eye injury are boxing, hockey, paintball, racquetball, softball and squash.
The most common types of injuries include:
It’s very important that parents educate themselves in the rules of the game – and know rules for that particular age group, so their children are protected. If your child sustains an eye injury, make sure not put any pressure on the wound and seek medical attention immediately.
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