There are more than 150 types of warts, all of which are caused by the human papilloma virus. Warts only affect humans, which means they can be transmitted from one child to another, or to different parts of the same child’s body. (Warts are not only found on feet, kids can get them anywhere, even eyelids.) So, how can you get rid of warts?

4 ways to get rid of warts

  1. Duct tape is a cheap and easy way to gradually remove a wart. Cut the duct tape to the size of the wart, apply it, and leave it on for six days. Then remove the tape for one day and pare down the wart. Reapply the tape on day seven, and repeat the process for four weeks.
  2. Salicylic acid can be purchased at your local drugstore – sometimes it’s labeled as “corn and callus remover.” Popular brands include Compound W and DuoFilm. Apply the salicylic acid to the wart every other night after soaking it in water or bathing. Pare or file the wart twice a month after soaking.
  3. Podophyllin is only used in a doctor’s office, but is a natural solution derived from the crude extract of the Mayapple.
  4. Liquid nitrogen is also used in a doctor’s office. While there are “cold sprays” available over-the-counter, these are not recommended.


Scott A. Norton, MD, MPH, MSc, was the Chief of Dermatology at Children’s National.

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