July 17th, 2018 / 1 Comment

It’s been exciting to hear from parents, former patients and colleagues about the tips and guidance provided in my book Healing Children over the past year. After the strong response and interest the book received, a paperback version is now available.
As a pediatric surgeon for more than 30 years, and a father of two boys (now men!) I know that learning and improvement never stops. One rule that always holds true is that children are built to rebound and thrive. The key to accelerating their recovery from any injury or illness is to have active, engaged and informed parents in their corner.
Another good guiding principle is that the more you use experts and facilities that specialize in pediatric care, the better your child’s experience and outcome will be. Here are a few more things you can do or look for to become the best possible advocate for your child.
DO talk to your doctors often.
Ask your pediatrician questions like:
If you’ve already engaged with, or are planning to see a pediatric specialist, ask her:
If surgery is needed you’ll want to know answers to these questions before proceeding:
DO study your health insurance plan.
Most families are beholden to the insurance plan offered by their employer. That said, you should still look for answers to these issues before an emergency happens:
DON’T let your child’s health care team make all the decisions.
You don’t have to go to medical school to utilize your sixth sense. At top children’s hospitals, parents are considered active members of the care team and their input is encouraged. A few things you could do to be more involved include:
DO know where to turn from birth to early adulthood.
These are a few organizations that Children’s National works closely with, but I encourage you to do your own independent research and gather resources from friends and family.
DON’T wait until an emergency occurs to get to know your local children’s hospital.
Ultimately, keeping your kids safe and healthy is a process that every parent or guardian needs to establish for themselves. My hope is that the advice and personal experiences I describe in Healing Children provide a roadmap for ensuring every child grows up stronger.
Wow, this article has a lot of good resources for childcare, and I actually hadn’t thought of checking to see if the hospitals in my area have websites we can look at. We just moved to Michigan, so it sounds like checking for websites will be a good way for us to figure out what our local options are for if my daughter needs a children’s hospital. It’s never too soon to look for good emergency healthcare facilities when your daughter is getting into those wild middle-school years!