A well child visit is the best time to talk to your pediatrician about normal growth, development and behavior. We’ve put together the top 10 questions to ask a pediatrician during your visit.

  1. Is my child’s development and growth appropriate for her age?
  2. What vaccine(s) does my child need during this visit? What does it protect against?
  3. Is everything up to date, and may I get a record of my child’s shots?
  4. What infectious diseases are going around and how can I best keep my kids safe from them?
  5. Is my child old enough to graduate from a car seat to booster seat? Is it time to get rid of a booster seat? Can I turn my child’s car seat forward?
  6. When should my child start using regular toothpaste?
  7. Should my child be going to the dentist?
  8. Is bedwetting normal for older potty-trained kids?
  9. When should I bring my child back?
  10. And finally, ask about any specific concerns you have, like “Why is my child always tired?” or “How can I manage my child’s allergies?”

It’s also important to ask questions about any sort of treatment that is being prescribed. Parents should understand the diagnosis, how long to give their child the prescribed medicine and what dosage to give. Do not hesitate to ask the pediatrician to clarify instructions.


Daniel Felten Daniel Felten, MD, is a complex care specialist at Children’s National.

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4 replies
  1. Ashley Maxwell says:

    Thanks for your tip to hire a pediatrician that can help with your child’s development. I like how you said that it’s important to ask them about how often they should be visiting. My husband and I are considering medications for our little girl now that she should probably start seeing some sort of doctor regularly.

  2. Kyle Wayne says:

    I appreciate that you talked about how it’s important to ask questions about any sort of treatment that is being prescribed. My aunt is looking to hire pediatricians to take her kids to. I’ll be sure to talk to her about asking smart questions to make sure she hires the right professional for her.


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