January 25th, 2019 / 2 Comments

For Christmas this year our 13-year-old daughter asked us to help her find babysitting jobs. I ask you, “What teenager ASKS for work?”
This shouldn’t have come as a surprise to us. She started inquiring when she was 12 years old. We dodged the conversation by saying she had to take a formal babysitting class where she could learn the basics of caring for a baby or young child and CPR. Surely that would derail this process. NO! She searched online and found the local American Red Cross Babysitting Course last summer and paid for it with her own money.
Okay, our next rule. You must be 13 before you can babysit. Surely she would forget this crazy notion in 6 months. Her life is busy. She plays sports. She is super social and has a boatload of friends with activities all the time. I thought this would be forgotten when school started. She will be more focused on becoming an official teenager, right?
Little did we know how strong the entrepreneurial spirit could be.
Her birthday is very close to Christmas, so shortly after she joined the teen ranks, we got the Christmas request. And here we are again, in new parenting territory. Going around to our friends asking if our kid can take care of their kid. As with most things, our daughter has to jump through a few more hoops than most. I suppose it is the price of having a mother as a pediatrician. It’s like having a teacher for a mom (that was me) plus 100. I’ve already mentioned the requirement for CPR training and taking a formal babysitting class.
Here are a few other things on our babysitting readiness checklist:
My 15yo son babysits quite a bit, and he has several families that use him regularly. He also turns down jobs, usually because he’s already booked, but he just decided he would no longer accept jobs for families with little girls. The reason? He doesn’t want to be accused of child abuse. He recently watched two girls in the neighborhood (ages 3 and 5) who absolutely adore him, but he said their mother was very suspicious and rude to him. She told him she had nanny cameras everywhere, and if he did anything perverted to the girls she would make sure he was arrested. He asked her why she would even ask him to babysit if she didn’t trust him? This made her even more mad. The girl’s dad apologized for her, and finally got his wife out the door. My son would have quit right then and there, but they didn’t have another sitter and he had given his word. But he was anxious all night about what she might accuse him of. Well, of course nothing happened and the girls just loved him. The mother asked him to babysit again, and he told her no. When she asked why, he said because he won’t work for any parent who didn’t trust him, and thought it unwise to subject himself to false accusations. And his decision was final. Now she’s really mad at us and my son is worried she will badmouth him to other families. What should he do? If he justified in refusing to babysit girls?